SAT Prep and ACT Prep Philosophy
NorthStar Tutoring Services has been an one-on-one prep company extraordinaire for more than a decade. Our test prep philosophy is simple: scientifically help students master all aspects of the SAT or ACT to maximize their potential. This entails the following:
A. Systematically help each student address all areas of relative weaknesses and fortify relative strengths.
B. Personalized schedule for each student.
C. Statistically break down the most likely tested concepts in each session.
D. Teach students effective strategies for each section.
E. Address variations in concepts tested.
F. Mock tests to gauge improvements and enhance familiarity.
NorthStar does not believe in a "diamond", "gold", or "platinum" level of preparation. Instead, we believe that each student should receive the best coaching when he/she entrusts in our service. We address all aspects to maximize each student's potential.
Class tutoring philosophy
NorthStar Tutoring Services strives to incorporate what's useful and discard what's not from our methodology; this way, our students will get the most out of their tutoring curriculum. Take a look to see why we are unique!
Long-Term Personal Growth (Getting that "A+" is just the minimum)
Effective and Easy to use Technology
Besides the options of working with us in your home, on site, or at a local library, NorthStar Tutoring Services also offer the 1-on-OneConnect™ method. 1-on-OneConnect is a unique, but simple online method that incorporates both the sights and sounds essential for a one-on-one session. Both the student and tutor will be able to simultaneously see what each other are saying and seeing. 1-on-OneConnect is easy to set up and its effectiveness is no less than our other methodologies; in fact, all notes from the session can be saved if needed, which allow students to focus more on the lesson.
In other words, our goal has and always will be to provide technology and methodologies that is efficient for students' learning. 1-onOneConnect has proven that one-on-one tutoring online can be as, or more effective, than meeting in person for many students.
The Personal Touch (Students, Tutors, Parents, and Teachers Involvement)
Best Price and Results
NorthStar Tutoring Services will match any pricing, provided the quality of tutoring and program is the same. Results are difficult to measure without testimonials; we provide references and welcome your request for such.
Encourage references
NorthStar Tutoring Services encourages parents to communicate with other parents who are working, or had worked with NorthStar Tutoring Services before making a commitment with us. This is a win-win situation for everyone.
Click below to learn more
Math (K-12)
Reading (K-8)
Writing (K-8)
SAT Subjects
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