Bellevue Children's Academy (BCA) and NorthStar Tutoring Services share many similar core values and goals. Above all else, we both value the promotion and fortification of basic foundation in all areas. NorthStar Tutoring Services is proud to form a partnership with BCA providing after school tutoring excellence for all students.
We are committed to working with students from BCA at school, in your home, at your local public library, or using our online program (1-onOneConnect™) in the following academic areas:
Summer Review and Enrichment Programs
Summer SAT Classes
Japan Club
NorthStar Tutoring Services is also proud to form a partnership with the Japan Club at BCA providing tutoring excellence for students in all areas of academic.
Contact BCA administrators or call NorthStar Tutoring Services at 206-779-2934 for more information regarding BCA Partnership or programs information.
Click below to learn more
Math (K-12)
Reading (K-8)
Writing (K-8)
SAT Subjects
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