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NorthStar Tutoring Services is dedicated to providing the best tutoring at a reasonable price. Unlike other companies, we feel that every situation is different and charge rate should vary based on how much extra work the tutor will need to prepare outside of the 1-on-1 meetings. More information can be viewed below:

Payment Options

  • Hourly option: Student is charged per hour tutored
  • Group option:The rate per student in this category will be lower than the hourly option. This is designed for students who do not necessarily need individual attention for the entire duration of each session, but rather only for certain problems or sections. Let's say your child and his/her friend would like help on homework assignments and have the same class, but they are having difficulty with different problems. The group option may be ideal for this situation. At no time the student-to-tutor ratio exceed 3:1 for the group option.
  • Per week/per month option: A flat fee is charged every week or month with a fixed number of tutoring hours per week/month as agreed upon in advance.

Determination Factors

The following components are major factors in determining what rate you will be charged:

  • The materials your child needs help with
  • Current grade student is in
  • Distance tutor has to travel to student's home (if applicable)
  • Student's current GPA in the specific class
  • Student's work habit (determined during initial evaluation meeting)

Feel free to contact our director at or 206-779-2934 for further consultation.

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